
The wine of Yahya awakens him

داو يحيى من خماره

1. The wine of Yahya awakens him
From his drunkenness

١. داوِ يَحيى مِن خُمارِه
بِاِبنَةِ الدَنِّ وَقارِه

2. With the modest daughter of lowliness and dignity
Of a Khusrawan drink

٢. مِن شَرابٍ خُسرَوِيٍّ
ما تَعَنَّوا بِاِعتِصارِه

3. Which they have not tightened with a belt
The sun cooked it when

٣. طَبَخَتهُ الشَمسُ لَمّا
بَخِلَ العِلجُ بِنارِه

4. The fuel was stingy with its fire
So time came upon it

٤. فَأَتى الدَهرُ عَلَيهِ
غَيرَ شَيءٍ في قَرارِه

5. Nothing changes in its stillness
It shone from a flame

٥. فَتَجَلَّت عَن شِهابٍ
يَتَرامى بِشَرارِه

6. Shooting out its sparks
Time stagnated upon it

٦. رَكَدَ الدَهرُ عَلَيهِ
فَكَفى ضَوءَ نَهارِه

7. So the light of day was enough for it
And my drinking companion every patch

٧. وَنَديمي كُلُّ خِرقٍ
زانَهُ عِتقُ نِجارِه

8. His freedom adorned the carpenter's neck
And a gazelle allured by its soul

٨. وَغَزالٍ تَشرَهُ النَف
سُ إِلى حَلِّ إِزارِه

9. To the solution of its waistband
The surah of ease spread it out

٩. بَسَطَتهُ سَورَةُ الرا
حِ لَنا بَعدَ اِزوِرارِه

10. For us after its concealment
So we wandered about its regions

١٠. فَأَطَفنا بِنَواحي
هِ وَلَم نَعرِض لِدارِه