1. No evil glance fell from Muhammad
Except it brought harm and benefit
١. ما اِرتَدَّ طَرفُ مُحَمَّدٍ
إِلّا أَتى ضَرّاً وَنَفعا
2. He led generosity by its rein
And wore the armor of kindness
٢. قادَ النَدى بِعِنانِهِ
وَتسَربَلَ المَعروفَ دِرعا
3. When I relied on the help of Nada
You saw me as a lute string and a pair
٣. لَمّا اِعتَمَدتُ عَلى نَدا
كَ أَرَيتَني وِتراً وَشَفعا
4. So Nada's staff was a comfort to me
With it I rise above utter loss
٤. فَعَصا نَداهُ بِراحَتي
أَعلو بِها الإِفلاسَ قَرعا
5. And on me is an impregnable wall
Protecting me from his tyranny should I fear a fracture
٥. وَعَلَيَّ سورٌ مانِعٌ
مِن جَورِهِ إِن خِفتُ كَسعا
6. So if fate ever betrayed me
I would slap it with the palm of my hand
٦. فَلَوَ اِنَّ دَهراً رابَني
لَصَفَعتُهُ بِالكَفِّ صَفعا