
Pour me a cup, my worries melt away

أديرا علي الكأس ينقشع الغم

1. Pour me a cup, my worries melt away
Do not withhold my cup, for in withholding is sin

١. أَديرا عَلَيَّ الكَأسَ يَنقَشِّعُ الغَمُّ
وَلا تَحبِسا كَأسي فَفي حَبسِها إِثمُ

2. Do not give me wine less than ten years old
For even when pressed, its separation was not forgotten by the generous vine

٢. وَلا تَسقِياني بِنتَ عَشرٍ فَإِنَّها
كَما عُصِرَت لَم يَنسَ فُرقَتَها الكَرمُ

3. Rather, an old lady, daughter of ancient kings
Aged, in whose clay wisdom has crept

٣. وَلَكِن عَجوزاً بِنتَ كِسرى قَديمَةً
مُعَتَّقَةً قَد دَبَّ في طَيِّها الحِلمُ

4. When her pourers taste her they praise her
In their tongues with gratitude, though Arabs or foreigners

٤. إِذا ذاقَها شُرّابُها بَجَّلوا لَها
بِأَلسُنِهِم شُكراً فَهُم عَرَبٌ عُجمُ

5. And two cups circulated unto me, pure
Carefully selected, this a stallion, that a bay

٥. وَكَأسانِ قَد دارا عَلَيَّ مُؤَمَّرٌ
وَمُنتَخَبٌ هَذا فَصيلٌ وَذا قَرمُ

6. As if I hung my hand from them
And neither had a flaw for the excellent young man

٦. كَأَنّي وَقَد عَلَّقتُ كَفِّيَ مِنهُما
وَما فيهِما مِن حَربَةٍ لِلفَتى سِلمُ

7. The composer brings the goshawks gently
In his right hand is a tidbit for his goshawk

٧. مُؤَلَّفُ شاهينٍ بِيُسرى بَنانِهِ
وَفي كَفِّهِ اليُمنى لِشاهينِهِ طُعمُ

8. They are turned by a frisky, playful, dark-eyed gazelle
A sister and brother among the tribe, their name one

٨. يُديرُهُما دَعجاءُ رَودٌ وَأَدعَجٌ
أَخٌ وَاختُهُ في القَومِ وَاسمُهُما إِسمُ

9. It is said to mean bliss, though if you deny it
You would one day call his sister denied bliss

٩. يُقالُ لَهُ مَعنٌ فَإِمّا نَكَستَهُ
لَتَدعو اختَهُ يَوماً فَمَنكوسَهُ نُعمُ