
Watering the highlands and rugged terrain

سقيا لغير العلياء والسند

1. Watering the highlands and rugged terrain,
And ruins with May rain,

١. سَقياً لِغَيرِ العَلياءِ وَالسَنَدِ
وَاغَيرِ أَطلالِ مَيَّ بِالجَرَدِ

2. O clouds' pouring, if once
You found the twisting valleys, do not repeat,

٢. وَيا صَبيبَ السَحابِ إِن كُنتَ قَد
جُدتَ اللِوى مَرَّةً فَلا تَعُدِ

3. Do not water a land, if the lands
Were surplus liver.

٣. لا تَسقِيَن بَلدَةً إِذا عُدَّتِ ال
بِلدانُ كانَت زِيادَةَ الكَبِدِ

4. If I take precautions from the crow therein
My escape from it would be to hemmed mountains.

٤. إِن أَتَحَرَّز مِنَ الغُرابِ بِها
يَكُن مَفَرّي مِنهُ إِلى الصُرَدِ

5. Where the storms do not carry to
Your ears but shouts of the black stones.

٥. بِحَيثُ لا تَجلِبُ الفِجاجُ إِلى
أُذنَيكَ إِلّا تَصايُحَ النَقَدِ

6. Better in my view than your bowing with
Winds salty therewith on a peg.

٦. أَحسَنُ عِندي مِنَ اِنكِبابِكَ بِال
فِهرِ مُلِحّاً بِهِ عَلى وَتَدِ

7. A sprig standing on an ear
And a cup passing to a mouth by a hand

٧. وُقوفُ رَيحانَةٍ عَلى أُذُنٍ
وَسَيرُ كَأسٍ إِلى فَمٍ بِيَدِ

8. Served by the folk a morning drink
Its feast belonging to Sunday.

٨. يَسقيكَها مِن بَني العِبادِ رَشاً
مُنتَسِبٌ عيدُهُ إِلى الأَحَدِ

9. When the water builds bubbles over it
It erects over the brow with foam

٩. إِذا بَنى الماءُ فَوقَها حَبَباً
صَلَّبَ فَوقَ الجَبينِ بِالزَبَدِ

10. I drink from his palm in gulps and from it
Drafts running on cold.

١٠. أَشرَبُ مِن كَفِّهِ شَمولاً وَمَن
فيهِ رُضاباً يَجري عَلى بَرَدِ

11. That is more luscious than crying over
A quarter and more vitalizing to the soul and body

١١. فَذاكَ أَشهى مِنَ البُكاءِ عَلى ال
رَبعِ وَأَنمى في الروحِ وَالجَسَدِ

12. Especially if shaken by one with buds
O house! I took strength from the folds anew.

١٢. لا سِيَّما إِن شَداكَ ذو نُطَفٍ
يا دارُ أَقوَت بِالتَفِّ مِن جُدَدِ