1. I yielded to the one who called me to revelry
And opposed the one who prohibited me from it
١. أَجَبتُ إِلى الصَبابَةِ مَن دَعاني
وَخالَفتُ الَّذي عَنها نَهاني
2. And none is as faithful in love as I
If the glances of the beloved incline towards my love
٢. وَلَم يُرَ في الهَوى مِثلي وَفِيٌّ
إِذا اللاحي عَلى حُبٍّ لَحاني
3. I obeyed a wanton heart
To desires let loose without restraint
٣. أَطَعتُ لِشَقوَتي قَلباً غَوِيّاً
إِلى اللَذّاتِ مَخلوعَ العِنانِ
4. It contends with all who seek my union
And prefers with love those who spurned me
٤. يُصارِمُ كُلَّ مَن يَهوى وِصالي
وَيُؤثِرُ بِالمَحَبَّةِ مَن جَفاني
5. And it does not love where it is hurt
Except the gentle companions or the houri of paradise
٥. وَليسَ يُحِبُّ حَيثُ يُلِمُّ إِلّا
ظِباءَ الأُنسِ أَو حورَ الجِنانِ
6. The passion of one who does not care
Compels me even if death severs my ties
٦. يُكَلِّفُني هَوى مَن لا يُبالي
لَوَ اِنَّ المَوتَ عاقَصَني مَكاني
7. It exposes me to the trial of every matter
And makes me bear the likes of spears
٧. يُعَرِّضُني لِفِتنَةِ كُلِّ أَمرٍ
وَيَحمِلُني عَلى مِثلِ السِنانِ