1. Roll up your sleeves in my killing and torturing
For you have worn the garment of beauty and fragrance
١. شَمِّر شَبابَكَ في قَتلي وَتَعذيبي
فَقَد تَسَربَلتَ ثَوبَ الحُسنِ وَالطيبِ
2. My eyes testify that I am a lover of you
O doll they portrayed in temples
٢. عَينايَ تَشهَدُ أَنّي عاشِقٌ لَكُمُ
يا دُميَةً صَوَّروها في المَحاريبِ
3. I have experienced from you things that cracked my liver
Yes, and what's under the robes almost killed me
٣. جَرَّبتُ مِنكِ أُموراً صَدَّعَت كَبِدي
نَعَم وَأَودَت بِما تَحتَ الجَلابيبِ
4. Understand, my redemption, an exemplary verse
Of one who used to come with wonders
٤. اِفهَم فَدَيتُكَ بَيتاً سائِراً مَثَلاً
مِن أَوَّلٍ كانَ يَأتي بِالأَعاجيبِ
5. Do not praise a man without trying him
And do not dispraise him except by trial
٥. لا تَحمَدَنَّ اِمرَأً مِن غَيرِ تَجرِبَةٍ
وَلا تَذُمَّنَّهُ إِلّا بِتَجريبِ
6. And coffee like the eye of a rooster; pure
Of the wine of grapes or of the wine of apples
٦. وَقَهوَةٍ مِثلُ عَينِ الديكِ صافِيَةً
مِن خَمرِ عانَةَ أَو مِن خَمرَةِ السِيَبِ
7. As if its beads and the water hitting them
In the cup area, the beads of the night owls
٧. كَأَنَّ أَحداقَها وَالماءُ يَقرَعُها
في ساحَةِ الكَأسِ أَحداقُ اليَعاسيبِ
8. Seeking it like the horn of the sun with broad shoulders
That heals the sick one of oppression and rebuke
٨. يَسعى بِها مِثلَ قَرنِ الشَمسِ ذو كِفلٍ
يَشفي الضَجيعَ بِذي ظَلمٍ وَتَشنيبِ
9. It is as if whenever I tried to obtain it
A noble youth sprouting between the Arabs
٩. كَأَنَّهُ كُلَّما حاوَلتُ نائِلَهُ
ذو نَخوَةٍ ناشِئٌ بَينَ الأَعاريبِ
10. Assaults me with a beauty I do not deny
O you who saw a foal assault a wolf
١٠. يَسطو عَلَيَّ بِحُسنٍ لَستُ أُنكِرُهُ
يا مَن رَأى حَمَلاً يَسطو عَلى ذيبِ