1. I was left to face adversity, give me more shackles
And lash me with a whip or pillar
١. وُقيتَ بِيَ الرَدى زِدني قُيودا
وَثَنِّ عَلَيَّ سَوطاً أَو عَمودا
2. And station guards outside my door
Appointing over me a stubborn devil
٢. وَوَكِّل بي وَبِالأَبوابِ دوني
مِنَ الرُقَباءِ شَيطاناً مَريدا
3. And spare my ears the sound of a heavy impurity
Whose person is called Sa'eed
٣. وَأَعفِ مَسامِعِ مِن صَوتِ رِجسٍ
ثَقيلٍ شَخصُهُ يُدعى سَعيدا
4. For he has left the iron upon me as but a feather
And his hatred has weighed down my heart like iron
٤. فَقَد تَرَكَ الحَديدَ عَلَيَّ ريشاً
وَأَوقَرَ بُغضُهُ قَلبي حَديدا