1. Say to that radiant face
And to that ample hip
١. قُل لِذا الوَجهِ الطَريرِ
وَلِذا الرِدفِ الوَثيرِ
2. And to the lock of my worries
And to the key to my joys
٢. وَلِمِغلاقِ هُمومي
وَلِمِفتاحِ سُروري
3. He who is miserly with me
With little of much
٣. وَالَّذي يَبخَلُ عَنّي
بِقَليلٍ مِن كَثيرِ
4. O little of age and death
Born in the mind of the elder
٤. يا صَغيرَ السِنِّ وَالمَو
لِدِ في عَقلِ الكَبيرِ
5. And little in meetings
And much in conscience
٥. وَقَليلاً في التَلاقي
وَكَثيراً في الضَميرِ
6. Why did you get angry with your
Servant over trivial matters
٦. لِم تَغَضَّبتَ عَلى عَب
دِكَ في خَطبٍ يَسيرِ
7. So be satisfied with me, by my life
O my life and my prince
٧. فَاِرضَ عَنّي بِحَياتي
يا حَياتي وَأَميري