1. O Lord of the assembly of youths whose minaret ascended for it
And the night detained in the garb of darkness
١. يا رُبَّ مَجلِسِ فِتيانٍ سَمَوتُ لَهُ
وَاللَيلُ مُحتَبِسٌ في ثَوبِ ظَلماءِ
2. For drinking pure from the breast of a faded
Her eyes are covered with regret's glitter
٢. لِشُربِ صافِيَةٍ مِن صَدرِ خابِيَةٍ
تَغشى عُيونَ نَداماها بِلَألاءِ
3. As if her appearance and the water hitting her
Is the brocade of a singing girl or the embroidery of desire
٣. كَأَنَّ مَنظَرَها وَالماءُ يَقرَعُها
ديباجُ غانِيَةٍ أَو رَقمُ وَشّاءِ
4. She gets accustomed to playfulness in the palm of an early riser
From the wine of vine or from the wine of Sowra
٤. تَستَنُّ مِن مَرَحٍ في كَفِّ مُصطَبِحٍ
مِن خَمرِ عانَةَ أَو مِن خَمرِ سَوراءِ
5. As if the gurgling of the flask amongst them
Is the return of flutes or the refrain of separation
٥. كَأَنَّ قَرقَرَةَ الإِبريقِ بَينَهُمُ
رَجعُ المَزاميرِ أَو تَرجيعُ فَأفاءِ
6. Until when it wandered amongst the people and spread
Their eyes swooned from it in slumber
٦. حَتّى إِذا دَرَجَت في القَومِ وَاِنتَشَرَت
هَمَّت عُيونُهُمُ مِنها بِإِغفاءِ
7. I asked its seller, how much is for its presser?
He said, it falls short of this enumeration
٧. سَأَلتُ تاجِرَها كَم ذا لِعاصِرِها
فَقالَ قَصَّرَ عَن هَذاكَ إِحصائي
8. I was told that my grandfather Adam chose it
From the hoard of Adam or from Eve's hoard
٨. أُنبِئتُ أَنَّ أَبا جَدّي تَخَيَّرَها
مِن ذُخرِ آدَمَ أَو مِن ذُخرِ حَوّاءِ
9. Whoever frequents its tavern still delays
Until it came to me and it was my hoard of death
٩. ما زالَ يَمطُلُ مَن يَنتابُ حانَتَها
حَتّى أَتَتني وَكانَت ذُخرَ مَوتائي
10. While we were between gardens, the violet's breeze blew on us
Not the stink of armpits
١٠. وَنَحنُ بَينَ بَساتينٍ فَتَنفَحُنا
ريحَ البَنَفسَجِ لا نَشرَ الخُزاماءِ
11. An effeminate man in his manners, vulgar
Monopolizes the eye in the admirer's lane
١١. يَسعى بِها خَنِثٌ في خُلقِهِ دَمَثٌ
يَستَأثِرُ العَينَ في مُستَدرَجِ الرائي
12. Corpulent, ample buttocks, with crookedness
As if there is henna dye on his palms
١٢. مُقَرَّطٌ وافِرُ الأَردافِ ذو غُنُجٍ
كَأَنَّ في راحَتَيهِ وَسمَ حِنّاءِ
13. He broke the hairdo and straightened it
Above the forehead and tilted the temple with inclination
١٣. قَد كَسَرَ الشِعرَ واواتٍ وَنَضَّدَهُ
فَوقَ الجَبينِ وَرَدَّ الصُدغَ بِالفاءِ
14. His eyes distribute illness in their sockets
And perhaps benefit from the virulence of illness
١٤. عَيناهُ تَقسُمُ داءً في مَجاهِرِها
وَرُبَّما نَفَعَت مِن صَولَةِ الداءِ
15. I drink pure from his eyes, one draft
And I drink another with my boon companions
١٥. إِنّي لَأَشرَبُ مِن عَينَيهِ صافِيَةً
صِرفاً وَأَشرَبُ أُخرى مَع نُدَمائي
16. One blamed me in ignorance, so I said to him
I am engrossed with my Master and your life
١٦. وَلائِمٍ لامَني جَهلاً فَقُلتُ لَهُ
إِنّي وَعَيشِكَ مَشغوفٌ بِمَولائي