
Time has worn me out with sighs

أفناني الدهر نهسا

1. Time has worn me out with sighs,
And love has increased my sorrows.

١. أَفنانِيَ الدَهرُ نَهسا
وَزادَني الحُبُّ نُكسا

2. My beloved's love
Has become intimate company for my heart.

٢. وَصارَ حُبُّ حَبيبي
لِلقَلبِ إِلفاً وَحِلسا

3. My passion has immersed my soul,
It has become the very soul of my soul.

٣. وَخالَطَ النَفسَ حِبّي
قَد صارَ لِلنَفسِ نَفسا

4. After having led me astray
From a life of devotion and spiritual rigor,

٤. أَضَلَّني بَعدَما كُن
تُ في العِبادَةِ قَسّا

5. I can no longer wake up for prayers
Nor can I study consistently.

٥. لا أَستَفيقُ صَلاةً
وَلا أَفتَرُّ دَرسا

6. My reason has flown away,
I cannot sense even a trace of it.

٦. فَطارَ عَقلي فَما إِن
أُحِسُّ لِلعَقلِ خَلسا

7. The glance of my eye is to blame—
Oh glance! You have been blinded.

٧. وَكُلُّ ذا ذَنبُ طَرفي
طُمِستَ يا طَرفُ طَمسا

8. If only you had knocked before gazing
At the shining sun.

٨. هَلّا طَرَقتَ وَلَم تَل
قَ في القُراطِقِ شَمسا

9. I said: O light of my eyes!
You have stolen my reason stealthily.

٩. فَقُلتُ يا نورَ عَيني
خَلَستَ عَقلِيَ خَلسا

10. So give me back my life,
Biting with your teeth and licking.

١٠. فَاِردُد عَلَيَّ حَياتي
عَضّاً بِفيكَ وَلَحسا

11. He could not resist
Until he was intimate with me and then turned away.

١١. فَما تَمالَكَ حَتّى اِف
تَرى عَلَيَّ وَخَسّا

12. My face turned black because of him
Until it was transformed with misery.

١٢. فَاِسوَدَّ وَجهِيَ مِنهُ
حَتّى تَحَوَّلَ نِقسا

13. But in this he does nothing more
Than insult me morning and evening.

١٣. وَلَيسَ في ذاكَ يَعدو
سَبّي صَباحاً وَمُمسى

14. I said: woe is me! Who can forget
One who does the likes of this?

١٤. فَقُلتُ وَيلي مِمَّن
لِمِثلِ ذا لَيسَ يَنسى

15. Time knows only how
To insult and belittle me.

١٥. لا يُحسِنُ الدَهرُ إِلّا
شَتيمَةً لي وَبَخسا

16. I have not seen a love
With a harder heart and crueler.

١٦. فَما رَأَيتُ كَحِبّي
أَفَظَّ قَلباً وَأَقسى