1. I was of love in the bloom of youth
Seeking my desire, hopeful
١. كُنتُ مِنَ الحُبِّ في ذُرى نيقِ
أَرودُ مِنهُ مَرادَ مَوموقِ
2. My eyes roamed a blooming garden
And I drank without affectation
٢. مَجالُ عَيني في يانِعٍ زاهِرِ ال
رَوضِ وَشُربي مِن غَيرِ تَرنيقِ
3. Until dishonesty estranged us
Which she covered in sweet talk
٣. حَتّى نَفاني عَنهُ تَخَلُّقُ وا
شٍ كِذبَةً لَفَّها بِتَذويقِ
4. I came back, no longer sleeping
Excuses failed after the break
٤. جِئتُ قَفا ما نِمتُهُ مُعتَذِراً
قَد فَتَّرَت مِنهُ بَعدَ تَخريقِ
5. O you who deny my excuses
May God show you the face of truth
٥. يا أَيُّها المُبطِلونَ مَعذِرَتي
أَراكُمُ اللَهُ وَجهَ تَصديقِ
6. He slept with what I wouldn't confess
With a tearful tongue that spoke
٦. نَمَّ بِما كُنتُ لا أَبوحُ بِهِ
عَلى لِسانٍ بِالدَمعِ مِنطيقِ
7. Yearning for the beauty of an image
That my wrists obtained with charm
٧. شَوقاً إِلى حُسنِ صورَةٍ ظَفِرَت
مِن سَلسَبيلِ الجِنانِ بِالريقِ
8. The summer goblet of a conversationalist
The ignorance of a singer, the manners of an atheist
٨. وَصيفُ كَأسٍ مُحَدِّثٌ وَلَها
تيهُ مُغَنٍّ وَظُرفُ زِنديقِ
9. Humbled with glory, she has
The humiliation of a lover, the glory of the beloved
٩. تَشوبُ ذُلّاً بِعِزَّةٍ فَلَها
ذُلُّ مُحِبٍّ وَعِزُّ مَعشوقِ
10. Her buttocks like a sand dune
Above a delicate, smooth waist
١٠. وَرِدفُها كَالكَثيبِ نيطَ إِلى
خَصرٍ رَقيقِ اللِحاءِ مَمشوقِ
11. I walk beside her, nudging her
Intentionally, though the road isn't narrow
١١. أَمشي إِلى جَنبِها أُزاحِمُها
عَمداً وَما بِالطَريقِ مِن ضيقِ
12. Like Kisra's words about what he imagined
Of the thief's opportunity in the clamour of the market
١٢. كَقَولِ كِسرى فيما تَمَثَّلَهُ
مِن فُرَصِ اللِصِّ ضَجَّةُ السوقِ
13. So praise God, O fellow
Not every lover is also provided for
١٣. فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ يا رَفاقَةُ ما
كُلُّ مُحِبٍّ أَيضاً بِمَرزوقِ
14. With a bracelet I surmounted its clasp
With a tall she-camel made for travelling
١٤. وَسَبسَبٍ قَد عَلَوتُ طامِسَهُ
بِناقَةٍ فوقَةٍ مِنَ النوقِ
15. As if her foot were her hand
And the foot of a playing baby
١٥. كَأَنَّما رِجلُها قَفا يَدِها
رِجلُ وَليدٍ يَلهو بِدَبّوقِ
16. As if her legs were surrendered
When the catapults passed them
١٦. كَأَنَّما أُسلِمَت قَوائِمُها
إِذا مَرَتهُنَّ مِن مَجانيقِ
17. To a man whose money's mother
Always runs in people's torn pockets
١٧. إِلى اِمرِئٍ أُمُّ مالِهِ أَبَداً
تَسعى بِجَيبٍ في الناسِ مَشقوقِ
18. His hands like the earth and sky, so
No creature can reduce his rainfall
١٨. يَداهُ كَالأَرضِ وَالسَماءِ فَما
تُنقِصُ قُطرَيهِ كَفُّ مَخلوقِ
19. If there is anything apart from Him
It is from Him, and in that He has no equal
١٩. فَإِن يَكُن مَن سِواهُ شَيءٌ فَمِن
هُ وَهوَ في ذاكَ غَيرُ مَسبوقِ
20. So how many pretenders have shown
What al-Abbas showed of natural disposition?
٢٠. فَكَم تَرى مِن مُجَوِّدٍ أَظهَرَ ال
عَبّاسُ مِنهُ طِباعَ مَستوقِ
21. And you, since fate has no limit
Apart from the palms and markets
٢١. وَأَنتَ إِذ لَيسَ لِلقَضاءِ حَصىً
غَيرُ أَكُفِّ الكُماةِ وَالسوقِ
22. And their beating with clubs
Was like the Banu Hayy with catapults
٢٢. وَكانَ بِالمُرهَفاتِ ضَربُهُمُ
ضَربَ بَني الحَيِّ بِالمَخاريقِ
23. The strongest, truest to his insignia
Bares his teeth from the gray hair of youth
٢٣. أَغلَبُ أَوفى عَلى بَراثِنِهِ
يَفتَرُّ عَن كُلَّحِ الشَبا روقِ
24. As if, when his eyes blaze
His protruding eyelids are those of a choked man
٢٤. كَأَنَّما عَينُهُ إِذا اِلتَهَبَت
بارِزَةَ الجَفنِ عَينُ مَخنوقِ
25. When they saw you, one of them said
The claw of the bullies has come to you
٢٥. لَمّا تَراءَوكَ قالَ قائِلُهُم
قَد جاءَكُم قابِضُ البَطاريقِ
26. So they cracked apart, as if they
Were evil-doers, driven away by the horn
٢٦. فَاِنصَدَعوا وِجهَةً كَأَنَّهُمُ
جُناةُ شَرٍّ يُنفَونَ بِالبوقِ
27. When the incapable one in Mecca went around
Confused, without direction or composure
٢٧. لَمّا تَداعى بِمَكَّةَ العاجِزُ ال
رَأيِ عَلى ضِلَّةٍ وَتَفريقِ
28. A bracelet of yours that you took from Abul-Fadl
Which you didn't refine with polish
٢٨. سَجِيَّةٌ مِنكَ حُزتَها عَن أَبي ال
فَضلِ فَما شُبتَها بِتَرنيقِ
29. The sword of spring reprimanded
The foolish one, the rider of the she-camel
٢٩. وَكانَ سَيفُ الرَبيعِ يَأدِبُ ذا ال
سَفهَةِ مِنها وَراكِبَ الموقِ
30. What a loss, the intimacy gone from Abul Fadl
The path of salvation blocked
٣٠. فَيا لَهُ سُؤدُداً خَلا لِأَبي ال
فَضلِ لِغَمرِ النِجادِ بِطريقِ
31. From the elite house of the Prophet in order
To which God said, "Above you in piety"
٣١. مِن سَرَّ آلَ النَبِيِّ في رُتَبٍ
قالَ لَها اللَهُ بِالتُقى فوقي
32. So excellence came, feet wrapped up
Before its extent, without swaggering
٣٢. ثُمَّ جَرى الفَضلُ فَاِنطَوى قُدُماً
دونَ مَداهُ مِن غَيرِ تَرهيقِ
33. It was said, "An arrow whose target is the farthest"
Its arrowhead outpacing the tip
٣٣. فَقيلَ راشا سَهماً تُرادُ بِهِ ال
غايَةُ وَالنَصلُ سابِقُ الفوقِ
34. And Abbas is just like his father
He is never surpassed on the path
٣٤. وَإِنَّ عَبّاسَ مِثلُ والِدِهِ
لَيسَ إِلى غايَةٍ بِمَسبوقِ
35. God made you graceful in creation
You both lead the people in grace
٣٥. تَأَنَّقَ اللَهُ حينَ صاغَكُما
فَفُقتُما الناسَ أَيَّ تَأنيقِ
36. He pictured al-Fadl with dew and shelter
You with wisdom and success
٣٦. فَصَوَّرَ الفَضلَ مِن نَدىً وَحِجىً
وَأَنتَ مِن حِكمَةٍ وَتَوفيقِ