
I knocked at a tent, with no guide

وخمار طرقت بلا دليل

1. I knocked at a tent, with no guide
Except the fragrant old eastern breeze

١. وَخَمّارٍ طَرَقتُ بِلا دَليلٍ
سِوى ريحِ العَتيقِ الخَسرَواني

2. He stood up to me, frightened, crying out
While the night was as dark as obsidian

٢. فَقامَ إِلَيَّ مَذعوراً يُلَبّي
وَجَونُ اللَيلِ مِثلُ الطَيلَسانِ

3. When he saw my face before him
He spoke, no longer frightened

٣. فَلَمّا أَن رَأى زِقّي أَمامي
تَكَلَّمَ غَيرَ مَذعورِ الجَنانِ

4. And said, are you from Tamim? I said no
Rather, I am from the living people of Yemen

٤. وَقالَ أَمِن تَميمٍ قُلتُ كَلّا
وَلَكِنّي مِنَ الحَيِّ اليَماني

5. He got up from his abode, and drew near
Like the pacing of a restless camel

٥. فَقامَ مِمِبزَلٍ فَأَجافَ دَنّاً
كَمِثلِ سَماوَةِ الجَمَلِ الهِجانِ

6. He poured for it a drink, lighting up
The Euphrates for it, to Oman

٦. فَسَيَّلَ بِالبِزالِ لَها شِهاباً
أَضاءَ لَهُ الفُراتُ إِلى عُمانِ

7. I saw the thing, when protected, grow pure
While the decrease of wine is in the containers

٧. رَأَيتُ الشَيءَ حينَ يُصانُ يَزكو
وَنُقصانُ المُدامِ عَلى الصِيانِ

8. Except a hue, beauty of clear complexion
And a soul that is pure, though the body perishes

٨. سِوى لَونٍ وَحُسنِ صَفا أَديمِ
وَروحٍ قَد صَفا وَالجِسمُ فانِ