
I have shunned ignorance wherever it is sold

أعاذل بعت الجهل حيث يباع

1. I have shunned ignorance wherever it is sold
And I have held my head high, though it wears a mask

١. أَعاذِلَ بِعتُ الجَهلَ حَيثُ يُباعُ
وَأَبرَزتُ رَأسي ما عَلَيهِ قِناعُ

2. The Commander of the Faithful has forbidden me from folly
And obeying the Commander of the Faithful is imperative

٢. نَهاني أَميرُ المُؤمِنينِ عَنِ الصَبا
وَأَمرُ أَميرُ المُؤمِنينِ مُطاعُ

3. For fear of the Imam's rebuke, I have forsaken diversion
In which there is frivolity and entertainment

٣. وَلَهوٍ لِتَأنيبِ الإِمامِ تَرَكتُهُ
وَفيهِ لِلاهٍ مَنظَرٌ وَسَماعُ

4. Like one who slakes his thirst with the water of youth
From the udder of a fat cow when famished

٤. وَرَيّانَ مِن ماءِ الشَبابِ كَأَنَّما
يُظَمّأُ مِن ضُمرِ الحَشا وَيُجاعُ

5. I have curbed my soul without persistent effort
For today it wages war and yesterday it was broken to pieces

٥. قَصَرتُ عَلَيهِ النَفسَ دونَ مُدامَةٍ
هِيَ اليَومَ حَربٌ وَهيَ أَمسِ شِياعُ