
My brother Hifaz, the glorious one

وأخي حفاظ ماجد

1. My brother Hifaz, the glorious one
Of sweet dispositions, flawless

١. وَأَخي حِفاظٍ ماجِدٍ
حُلوِ الشَمائِلِ غَيرِ لاحِ

2. I called him while the night had
Vanquished dawn’s rule

٢. نادَيتُهُ وَاللَيلُ قَد
أَودى بِسُلطانِ الصَباحِ

3. O friend, I complain of the sweetness of
The eyes that glance from beneath the veil

٣. يا صاحِ أَشكو حُلوَةَ ال
عَينَينِ جائِلَةَ الوِشاحِ

4. Through them I was exposed, and her love
Spreads among people, exposing me

٤. فيها اِفتَضَحتُ وَحُبُّها
في الناسِ يَسعى بِاِفتِضاحي

5. Yet she bears no fault, no fault at all
A glance like spearheads

٥. وَلَها وَلا ذَنبَ لَها
لَحظٌ كَأَطرافِ الرِماحِ

6. That always wounds the heart
So my heart is wounded on all sides

٦. في القَلبِ يَجرَحُ دائِماً
فَالقَلبُ مَجروحُ النَواحي

7. The gardens of the dark-eyed maid
Overflow with virtue and generosity

٧. أَجِنانُ جارِيَةَ المُهَذ
ذَبِ بِالفَضائِلِ وَالسَماحِ

8. Why do I possess nothing when I was no miser?
And you lack no generosity or grace

٨. مالي وَلَم أَكُ باذِلاً
وُدّاً وَلا فيكُم سَماحِ

9. Yet you were stingy, though your people are no misers

٩. فَبَخِلتِ أَنتِ وَلَيسَ أَه
لُكِ مِن قَبيلِكِ بِالشِحاحِ