
Though they name you my companion

إني لما سمت لركاب

1. Though they name you my companion
And you who mixes my drink

١. إِنّي لِما سُمتَ لَرَكّابُ
وَلِلَّذي تَمزُجُ شَرّابُ

2. I don't blame you at all, even if grey hairs come to me
From your hands that punch and hit

٢. لا عائِفاً شَيئاً وَلَو شيبَ لي
مِن يَدِكَ العَلقَمُ وَالصابُ

3. The slanderers haven't lowered your status
In my eyes, nor has the criticizer harmed you

٣. ما حَطَّكَ الواشونَ عَن رُتبَةٍ
عِندي وَلا ضَرَّكَ مُغتابُ

4. It's as if they praised without realizing
The one they found fault with in me

٤. كَأَنَّما أَثنَوا وَلَم يَشعُروا
عَلَيكَ عِندي بِالَّذي عابوا

5. And you too, are thus an example
I'm not at all doubtful about you

٥. وَأَنتَ لي أَيضاً كَذا قُدوَةٌ
لَستُ بِشَيءٍ مِنكَ أَرتابُ

6. So how does meeting tire us when
We are not lacking desire and agitation

٦. فَكَيفَ يُعيِينا التَلاقي وَما
يَعدَمُنا شَوقٌ وَأَطرابُ

7. It's as if you, even if you aren't
A liar regarding the appointment

٧. كَأَنَّما أَنتَ وَإِن لَم تَكُن
تَكذُبُ في الميعادِ كَذّابُ

8. If I come, you don't, and if I don't come
You come, so this is a habit of yours with me

٨. إِن جِئتُ لَم تَأتِ وَإِن لَم أَجِئ
جِئتَ فَهَذا مِنكَ لي دابُ