
The king has achieved his wish through perseverance

قد أصبح الملك بالمنى ظفرا

1. The king has achieved his wish through perseverance
As if he had been a lover, determined.

١. قَد أَصبَحَ المُلكُ بِالمُنى ظَفِرا
كَأَنَّما كانَ عاشِقاً قَدِرا

2. He has chained his kingdom to a king
No king before him has loved the people so.

٢. قيدَ بِأَشطانِهِ إِلى مَلِكٍ
ما عَشِقَ المُلكُ قَبلَهُ بَشَرا

3. It is enough that the face of the faithful king is like the moon
When the night hides the moon from you.

٣. حَسبُكَ وَجهُ الأَمينِ مِن قَمَرٍ
إِذا طَوى اللَيلُ دونَكَ القَمَرا

4. A Caliph who takes care of his nation
And forgives their sins if they commit them

٤. خَليفَةٌ يَعتَني بِأُمَّتِهِ
وَإِن أَتَتهُ ذُنوبُها غَفَرا

5. To the extent that if he could - out of his compassion
Repel destiny and divine decree from it.

٥. حَتّى لَوِ اِستَطاعَ مِن تَحَنُّنِهِ
دافَعَ عَنها القَضاءَ وَالقَدَرا