
Enough of what has passed over my head

كفاك ما مر على راسي

1. Enough of what has passed over my head
Of whisperers who stirred my doubts

١. كَفاكَ ما مَرَّ عَلى راسي
مِن شادِنٍ هَيَّجَ وَسواسي

2. The best I can express of her qualities
Is to talk of her merciless heart

٢. أَفضَلُ ما أَبلُغُ مِن نَعتِهِ
تَحَدُّثي عَن قَلبِهِ القاسي

3. I’m jealous to attribute to her what
People attribute among people

٣. أَغارُ أَن أَنعَتَ مِنها الَّذي
يَنعَتُهُ الناسُ مِنَ الناسِ

4. All my talk but mentioning her
Is uncovered by me to spies

٤. كُلُّ أَحاديثي سِوى ذِكرُها
مُنكَشِفٌ مِنّي لِجُلّاسي

5. Partnership is not good in loving her
And partnership is not good in the cup

٥. لا حَبَّذا الشُركَةُ في حُبِّها
وَحَبَّذا الشُركَةُ في الكاسِ