1. O daughter of the sheikh, we woke up
What is it that you are waiting for us?
١. يا اِبنَةَ الشَيخِ اِصبَحينا
ما الَّذي تَنتَظِرينا
2. The water has flowed in your willow branch, so make the wine flow in us
We only drink it
٢. قَد جَرى في عودِكِ الما
ءُ فَأَجري الخَمرَ فينا
3. So know that for certain
Whatever is contrary
٣. إِنَّما نَشرَبُ مِنها
فَاِعلَمي ذاكَ يَقينا
4. To the drink of the righteous
And turn it away from the miser
٤. كُلَّ ما كانَ خِلافاً
لِشَرابِ الصالِحينا
5. Who clings to abstinence as his religion
Time has been prolonged for him
٥. وَاِصرِفيها عَن بَخيلٍ
دانَ بِالإِمساكِ دينا
6. So he will see the moment one day
Stop at the abode of the loving ones
٦. طَوَّلَ الدَهرُ عَلَيهِ
فَيَرى الساعَةَ حينا
7. And cry if you are sad
And ask the house when
٧. قِف بِرَبعِ الظاعِنينا
وَاِبكِ إِن كُنتَ حَزينا
8. It was separated from the friendly house
We asked it but it refuses
٨. وَاِسأَلِ الدارَ مَتى فا
رَقَتِ الدارُ القَطينا
9. To answer the questioners
٩. قَد سَأَلناها وَتَأبى
أَن تُجيبَ السائِلينا