1. The flirtatious, loose-tongued one,
Urging my steed faster, ignoring the reins,
١. وَمُؤاتي الطَرفِ عَفِّ اللِسانِ
مُطمِعِ الإِطراقي عاصي العِنانِ
2. Mixing hope and despair for me,
Advancing in word and deed humbly.
٢. مازِجٍ لي مِن رَجاءٍ بِيَأسٍ
نازِحٍ بِالفِعلِ وَالقَولِ دانِ
3. If seriousness addresses you about it,
Seriousness belies the speech of wishes.
٣. فَإِذا خاطَبَكَ الجِدُّ عَنهُ
أَكذَبَ الجِدَّ حَديثُ الأَماني
4. Except I'm saying what came to me,
From my suspicions, belying realities,
٤. غَيرَ أَنّي قائِلٌ ما أَتاني
مِن ظُنوني مُكَذِبٌ لِلعِيانِ
5. Taking myself to compose something,
Singular in word, diverse in meanings.
٥. آخِذٌ نَفسي بِتَأليفِ شَيءٍ
واحِدٍ في اللَفظِ شَتّى المَعاني
6. Standing in fancy, until when
I throw it, I've thrown an invisible place.
٦. قائِمٌ في الوَهمِ حَتّى إِذاما
رُمتُهُ رُمتُ مُعَمّى المَكانِ
7. So it's as if I'm following the beauty
Of something ahead of me, not evident.
٧. فَكَأَنّي تابِعٌ حُسنَ شَيءٍ
مِن أَمامي لَيسَ بِالمُستَبانِ
8. So I was consoled by a draught of medicine
That grew in the lap of Mother Time.
٨. فَتَعَزَّيتُ بِصِرفٍ عُقارٍ
نَشَأَت في حِجرِ أُمِّ الزَمانِ
9. For it is the tooth of fate - if it dashed away
And suckled in its prime from fresh milk -
٩. فَهيَ سِنُّ الدَهرِ إِن هِيَ فُرَّت
نَشَئا وَارتَضَعا مِن لِبانِ
10. And the two new ones forgot it
Until it was halfway ground down.
١٠. وَتَناساها الجَديدانِ حَتّى
هِيَ أَنصافُ شُطورِ الدَنانِ
11. So we enjoyed the flavor of mocking it,
The delicacy of a virgin, the softness of a lover.
١١. فَاِفتَرَعنا مُزَّةَ الطَعنِ فيها
نَزَقُ البِكرِ وَلينُ العَوانِ
12. And we gained from an aged, mature medicine,
Khosrowan, latent in the goblets.
١٢. وَاِحتَسَينا مِن عَتيقٍ عُقارٍ
خُسرَوِيٍّ كامِنٍ في لِيانِ
13. The tribe's abode did not dry it out
Until it shone like the stars of Sinnan,
١٣. لَم يَجفُها مِبزَلُ القَومِ حَت
تى نَجَمَت مِثلَ نُجومِ السِنانِ
14. Or like the vein of lightning that splits from it
Valleys like the divergence of the cliffs.
١٤. أَو كَعِرقِ السامِ يَنشَقُّ عَنهُ
شُعَبٌ مِثلَ اِنفِراجِ البَنانِ
15. So the wakeful white camels are mine, I cry over it,
And the songs are for the singers of songs.
١٥. فَلِيَ الصَهباءُ أَبكي عَلَيها
وَالمَغاني لِبُكاةِ المَغاني