1. O Lord, a gazelle in a deserted place
I bid it good morning, while the night was full of terrors
ูก. ูุง ุฑูุจูู ุธูุจูู ุจูู
ููุงูู ุฎุงูู
ุตูุจููุญุชููู ููุงูููููู ุฐู ุฃูููุงูู
2. Fed on the most delicate food, enjoying good fortune
Darkened with age, skilled and shrewd
ูข. ุจูุฃูุบุถููู ุบูุฐูู ุจูุญูุณูู ุญุงูู
ูุณููููุฏู ุงูุนูู
ูู ุญูุณูุจู ุงูุฎุงูู
3. I gave him perfect maturity and beauty
I adorned him with a necklace of good deeds
ูฃ. ุฃูุนุทู ุชูู
ู ุงูููุฏูู ููุงูุฌูู
ูููููุฏุชููู ูููุงุฏูุฉู ุงูุฃูุนู
4. He struts about proudly like one who swaggers
We stirred him to fight and he was eager for battle
ูค. ููุฌููู ูู ุงูู
ููููุฏู ููุงูู
ููุฌูุง ุจููู ูููุงุฌู ูููููุฒุงูู
5. The gazelle was delighted to see a tall hill
So my heart slipped away at the time of unleashing
ูฅ. ููุขููุณู ุงูุธูุจูู ุจูุชูููู ุนุงูู
ููุงููุณูููู ูููุจู ุณุงุนูุฉู ุงูุฅูุฑุณุงูู
6. And he passed by paying it no heed
Not caring about sorrow, the plains or the sands
ูฆ. ููู
ูุฑูู ููุชูููู ููููู
ุจูุงูุญูุฒูู ููุงูุณูููู ููุจูุงูุฑูู
7. He chased it into the most rugged mountains
And someone said to me, while he was beyond my sight
ูง. ููุตุงุฏููู ูู ุฃูุตุนูุจู ุงูุฌูุจุงูู
ูููุงุฆููู ูู ููููู ุนูู ุญููุงูู
8. โHonor this dog, though he is a deceiverโ
The gazelle was granted safety and refuge
ูจ. ุฃููุฑูู
ุจูููุฐุง ุงููููุจู ู
ูู ู
ุฃูุชูุญู ุญูุชูู ุงูุธูุจูู ููุงูุฃููุนุงูู