
Yazid, what has possessed you?

يزيد ماذا دهاكا

1. Yazid, what has possessed you?
Are you mad or what has stricken you?

١. يَزيدُ ماذا دَهاكا
جُنِنتَ أَم ما اِعتَراكا

2. A king allured you after me,
Or a friend has misled you,

٢. مُلكٌ زَها بِكَ بَعدي
أَم صاحِبٌ أَغواكا

3. Or was it an oversight from you,
Or a love that weakened you?

٣. أَم غَفلَةٌ حَدَثَت في
كَ أَم هَوىً أَضناكا

4. Or a time coincided with its
Circumstances, so that was why.

٤. أَم مِرَّةٌ وافَقَت وَق
تَها فَهَذا لِذاكا

5. Nay, but your ordeal, indeed
God has destined it for you.

٥. إِمّا بَلاكَ لَقَد أَج
هَدَ الإِلَهُ بَلاكا

6. Turn to me and say to me
What have your eyes seen.

٦. أَقبِل عَلَيَّ فَقُل لي
لا أَبصَرَت عَيناكا

7. Are you so deaf to break
Off ties with all who were close to you?

٧. أَآذِنٌ أَنتَ في قَط
عِ كُلِّ مَن صافاكا

8. Nay, I reckon it is nothing
Except a woman has deceived you.

٨. بَل ما أَظُنُّ المُعَنّى
إِلّا اِمرَأً آخاكا

9. And if God, Lord of all people, intends
That I never get to see you again,

٩. وَإِن يَقَدِّر إِلَهُ ال
عِبادِ أَن لا أَراكا

10. And the patience of the Lord against estrangement
and harshness strengthens you.

١٠. وَطَولِ رَبٍّ عَلى الهَج
رِ وَالجَفا قَوّاكا

11. If only my palms held the reins
with tenderness as your palms once held.

١١. لَو أَنَّ كَفَّي عِنانٍ
رُطوبَةً كَفّاكا

12. And my cheeks told tales
like your cheeks once did.

١٢. وَوَجنَتَي تَمتامٍ
تَحكيهُما وَجنَتاكا

13. And my glances were merciful, reminded
by their mercy of your glances.

١٣. وَمُقلَتَي رَحمَةٍ في
زِناهُما مُقلَتاكا

14. And if you were unparalleled in beauty,
I would not have endured your harshness.

١٤. وَكُنتَ في الحُسنِ فَرداً
لَما اِحتَمَلتُ جَفاكا

15. Do not let Yazid slip
after what you have already seen.

١٥. لا تَهوَيَنَّ يَزيداً
بَعدَ الَّذي قَد أَراكا

16. I had warned my heart
in solitude, and it wept,

١٦. وَقَد نَهَيتُ فُؤادي
في خَلوَةٍ فَتَباكى

17. So I said: "Do not be fooled
by his tears, O heart!"

١٧. فَقُلتُ لا غَرَّني مِن
كَ يا فُؤادي بُكاكا

18. "Cut him off, and be
his adversary."

١٨. فَكُن لَهُ قَطّاعاً
وَكُن لَهُ تَرّاكا

19. "And if you are inclined towards any
of his love, forbid it!"

١٩. وَإِن هَمَمتَ بِشَيءٍ
مِن وُدِّهِ فَنَهاكا

20. For the whip whose handle
your right hand grasped,

٢٠. فَالسَوطُ ما اِستَمسَكَتهُ
يَمينَكَ اِستِمساكا

21. By God, by God, my Lord,
I say seeking your protection,

٢١. وَاللَهِ وَاللَهِ رَبّي
أَقولُهُنَّ دِراكا

22. I will handle you forcefully
with my grace, although you dislike it,

٢٢. لَأَقمِطَنَّكَ في عَص
بَةٍ بِفَضلِ رِداكا

23. Until we have disciplined you
on all sides, and then come to you,

٢٣. حَتّى إِذا ما جَدَلنا
كَ جانِباً جِئناكا

24. One seizing your shoes,
another your toothstick,

٢٤. مِن آخِذٍ لَكَ نَعلاً
وَآخِذٍ مِسواكا

25. Another the reins, another
the whip, and another the poles,

٢٥. وَذا عِناناً وَهَذا
سَوطاً وَذاكَ مَداكا

26. Until we have peeled your skin
like peeling off soft bark,

٢٦. حَتّى إِذا ما سَلَخنا
سَلخَ النَشوطِ قَفاكا

27. And then people will come
who will cut through even thickets,

٢٧. وَقَد أَتى بَعدُ قَومٌ
يُقَطِّعونَ الشِباكا

28. Until you say to remorse: "It
overwhelmed me, I know not by what."

٢٨. حَتّى تَقولُ لِإِنكا
رِ ما بِهِ أَغشاكا

29. "O most merciful of people to me!
If only it had never possessed me!"

٢٩. يا أَرحَمَ الناسِ لي كا
نَ مَرَّةً ما دَهاكا

30. And you have ordered from the jinni
Hawaqal and Dhinak

٣٠. وَقَد أَمَرتَ مِنَ الجِن
نِ حَوقَلاً وَضِناكا

31. To line you up in four ranks
and to bless you,

٣١. أَن يَصفِناكَ عَلى أَر
بَعٍ وَأَن يُبرِكاكا

32. Until when you cannot endure
the impact of the hissing uproar,

٣٢. حَتّى إِذا لَم تُطِق مِن
وَقعِ الصَفيرِ حَراكا

33. You will plead for forgiveness, but if
you return to it, they will crucify you.

٣٣. اِستَعتَباكَ فَإِن عُد
تَ بَعدَها صَلَباكا