1. With a repulsive, despicable physique
Of a muddy, dusty, wretched hue
١. وَقانِصٍ مُحتَقَرٍ ذَميمِ
كَدرِيِّ لَونٍ أَغبَرٍ قَتيمِ
2. With a spine entangled with its neck
And breath exhaled through its snout
٢. مُشتَبِكِ الأَعجازِ بِالحَيزومِ
وَمُخرِجِ اللَحظَةِ بِالخَيشومِ
3. Narrower than the space for a mim letter
Or a dot between the wings of a jim
٣. أَضيَقُ أَرضاً مِن مَقامِ الميمِ
أَو نُقطَةٍ بَينَ جَناحِ الجيمِ
4. Neither muscular nor straight
Nor cunning in mischief
٤. لَيسَ بِقِعديدٍ وَلا قَيّومِ
وَلا عَنِ الحيلَةِ بِالسَؤومِ
5. Does not mix anxiety with slumber
Depressed under the shade of gloom
٥. لا يَخلِطُ الهَيمَةَ بِالتَنويمِ
مُنخَفِضٌ في كَنَفِ التَشويمِ
6. Between the offspring of Abyssinia and Rome
In the shadows of peaks and tangled bushes
٦. بَينَ نِتاجَي حَبَشٍ وَرومِ
في ظُلَلِ الذَروَةِ وَالعُلجومِ
7. As if its mind crept through the filth
Or a slumber rising in drowsiness
٧. كَأَنَّما دَبَّتهُ في السيمِ
في عَقلِ ناشٍ دَبَّةُ الخُرطومِ
8. Braver than one with a digestive stomach
Until it climbed atop the heights of glory
٨. أَو نَعسَةٌ تَنهَضُ في نَؤومِ
أَشجَعُ مِن ذي لُبَدٍ هَضيمِ
9. Wretched is he, a lost and doomed one
٩. حَتّى اِعتَلى عالِيَةَ التَميمِ
بُؤساً لَهُ مِن هالِكٍ مَعدومِ