1. Pour it slowly in the darkness
Before the caller's morning song,
١. اِسقِنيها بِسَوادِ
قَبلَ تَغريدِ المُنادي
2. From a skin so full it reached
The brim and could take no more.
٢. مِن كُمَيتٍ بَلَغَت في ال
دَنِّ أَقصى مُستَزادِ
3. It suckled time and from it drew
Milk when time itself was young,
٣. رَضِعَت وَالدَهرَ ثَدياً
وَتَلَتهُ في الوِلادِ
4. So it contains all that can make
A wounded heart spill over.
٤. فَهيَ فيها كُلُّ ما يَب
لُغُ مَقروحُ الفُؤادِ
5. A Jew who lives off lush oases
Once owned it at his wish and will
٥. سُمتُها عِندَ يَهودِي
يٍ خَصيبِ المُستَرادِ
6. And we drank like men who after long
Thirst quaffed since the days of 'Aad.
٦. فَشَرِبنا شُربَ قَومٍ
عَطِشوا مِن عَهدِ عادِ
7. Twixt poles that propped the goat-hair tent
They built and pegged down good and firm,
٧. بَينَ أَفياءِ عَريشٍ
عَمَدوهُ بِعِمادِ
8. And plugged them with hard, wooden pegs
Sharp like the jabs of prods and goads.
٨. وَدِنانٍ مُسنَداتٍ
مُعلَماتٍ بِمِدادِ
9. Then having mixed it thoroughly
They saw it foam and seethe and surge,
٩. أَنفَذوهُنَّ بِطَعنٍ
مِثلَ أَفواهِ المَزادِ
10. Then drank it in and it possessed
Them like a swooning, drugged fatigue.
١٠. ثُمَّ لَمّا مَزَجوها
وَثَبَت وَثبَ الجَرادِ
١١. ثُمَّ لَمّا شَرِبوها
أَخَذَت أَخذَ الرُقادِ