1. Do you think that after you I found delight,
Oh Abu al-Fadl, or lifted off my shoulder a burden,
١. أَتَحسَبُني باكَرتُ بَعدَكَ لَذَّةً
أَبا الفَضلِ أَو رَفَّعتُ عَن عاتِقٍ خِدرا
2. Or that my eyes benefited from a fleeting glance,
Or that I stood firmly to drink from a cup?
٢. أَوِ انتَفَعَت عَيني بِغابِرِ نَظرَةٍ
أَوَ اثبَتُّ في كَأسٍ لِأَشرَبَها ثَغرا
3. So the days have left me dry until night, my master,
And my right hand is empty of its promises,
٣. جَفاني إِذَن يَوماً إِلى اللَيلِ سَيِّدي
وَأَضحَت يَميني مِن مَواعيدِهِ صِفرا
4. But I donned the garment of resignation,
So I pass the night and the grip of death digs for me a grave.
٤. وَلَكِنَّني استَشعَرتُ ثَوبَ استِكانَةٍ
فَبُتُّ وَكَفُّ المَوتِ تَحفِرُ لي قَبرا
5. It is right for someone in whom I placed all love
And made enduring in the highest place a memory,
٥. وَحُقَّ لِمَن أَصفَيتُهُ الوِدَّ كُلَّهُ
وَأَثبَتُّ في عالي المَحَلِّ لَهُ ذِكرا
6. That he sees nothing but obedience to your command
And that he shun pleasures when you spurned them.
٦. بِأَن لا يَرى إِلّا لِأَمرِكَ طاعَةً
وَأَن يَكسُوَ اللَذّاتِ إِذ عِفتَها هُجرا