
I complain to God of the love of one whose attainment is difficult for me

إلى الله أشكو حب من جل نيله

1. I complain to God of the love of one whose attainment is difficult for me
A voice comes to me from behind a wall

١. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو حُبَّ مَن جُلُّ نَيلِهِ
عَلَيَّ كَلامٌ مِن وَراءِ جِدارِ

2. I was patient with her until the fountains of passion burst forth around me
And my virtue took flight

٢. صَبَرتُ لَها حَتّى إِذا ما تَفَجَّرَت
عُيونُ الهَوى حَولي وَطارَ خُماري

3. I made my sword my companion, then sought her
Amid perilous, shameless straits

٣. جَعَلتُ رَفيقي السَيفَ ثُمَّ طَرَقتُها
مُقارِضَ أَهوالٍ خَليعَ عِذارِ

4. When we met I saw our palms were
Too short to attain what we desired

٤. فَلَمّا تَلاقَينا رَأيتُ أَكُفُّنا
قِصاراً وَقِدماً كُنَّ غَيرَ قِصارِ

5. If an eye is reluctant to kiss its sister
A hand is not reluctant to loose a girdle

٥. فَإِن بَخِلَت عَينٌ بِتَقبيلِ أُختِها
فَما بَخَلَت كَفٌّ بِحَلِّ إِزارِ

6. We almost succeeded, except our lips
Partook of a mixture of sugar and poison

٦. فَكِدنا وَلَمّا غَيرَ أَنَّ شِفاهَنا
تَعاطَت خَليطَي سُكَّرٍ وَعُقارِ

7. And I bade her farewell in the morning, forgetting her hostility
For she had given me a ring in exchange for a bracelet

٧. وَوَدَّعتُها صُبحاً وَلَم أَنسَ صَدَّها
وَقَد بادَلَتني خاتَماً بِسِوارِ