
O monastery of Hannah of abundant pastures

يا دير حنة من ذات الأكيراح

1. O monastery of Hannah of abundant pastures
Who can defend you, for I am not able

١. يا دَيرَ حَنَّةَ مِن ذاتِ الأُكَيراحِ
مَن يَصحُ عَنكَ فَإِنّي لَستُ بِالصاحي

2. I saw in you gazelles without horns
Playing with our minds and souls

٢. رَأَيتُ فيكَ ظِباءً لا قُرونَ لَها
يَلعَبنَ مِنّا بِأَلبابٍ وَأَرواحِ

3. Everyone who leaves gets accustomed to it
The plaster upon it is worth breaking pots

٣. يَعتادُهُ كُلُّ مَحفوفٍ مَفارِقُهُ
مِنَ الدِهانِ عَلَيهِ سَحقُ أَمساحِ

4. In a group that did not spare their fears
The occurrence of what they were warned of, other than ghosts

٤. في عُصبَةٍ لَم يَدَع مِنهُم تَخَوُّفُهُم
وُقوعَ ما حُذِّروهُ غَيرَ أَشباحِ

5. They do not draw near water with vessels
Except sipping from deceit with ease

٥. لا يَدلِفونَ إِلى ماءٍ بِآنِيَةٍ
إِلّا اِغتِرافاً مِنَ الغُدرانِ بِالراحِ