
The Barmakis have a splendid palace,

لبني البرمكي قصر منيف

1. The Barmakis have a splendid palace,
And beauty, but no true faith among them.

١. لِبَني البَرمَكِيِّ قَصرٌ مُنيفُ
وَجَمالٌ وَليسَ فيهِم حَنيفُ

2. Their abode is a mosque where the call to prayer is made,
For show, not out of piety sincere.

٢. دارُهُم مَسجِدٌ يُؤَذَّنُ فيها
لِاِتِّقاءٍ وَلَيسَ فيها كَنيفُ

3. Whenever they make the call to prayer at the proper time,
What they have in mind is “No god but bread!”

٣. فَإِذا أَذَّنوا لِوَقتِ صَلاةٍ
كَرَّروا لا إِلَهَ إِلّا الرَغيفُ