
Alas! He whom I loved was stingy with his affection,

ألا إن من أهواه ضن بوده

1. Alas! He whom I loved was stingy with his affection,
And after that estranged me with his coldness.

١. أَلا إِنَّ مَن أَهواهُ ضَنَّ بِوُدِّهِ
وَأَعقَبَني مِن بَعدِ ذاكَ بِصَدِّهِ

2. So after love there was sorrow, for he
Is miserly with me, withholding even a greeting.

٢. فَواحَزَنا بَعدَ المَوَدَّةِ إِنَّهُ
لَيَبخَلُ عَنّي بِالسَلامِ وَرَدِّهِ

3. His beauty and grace invited me,
The magic in his eyes, the mole on his cheek,

٣. دَعاني إِلَيهِ حُسنُهُ وَجَمالُهُ
وَسِحرٌ بِعَينَيهِ وَخالٌ بِخَدِّهِ

4. Like the mole on the cheek of a graceful gazelle,
With rosewater flowing beneath that mole.

٤. كَأَنَّ فِرِندَ المُرهَفاتِ بِخَدِّهِ
وَيَختالُ ماءُ الوَردِ تَحتَ فِرِندِهِ

5. Yet never did I see one like me become slave to one like him,
Nor one like him harm his slave in such a way.

٥. فَلَم أَرَ مِثلي صارَ عَبداً لِمِثلِهِ
وَلا مِثلَهُ يَوماً أَضَرَّ بِعَبدِهِ