
Do not grieve for the parting of companions,

لا تحزنن لفرقة الأقران

1. Do not grieve for the parting of companions,
And reconcile your heart to the doctrine of sorrows,

١. لا تَحزَنَنَّ لِفُرقَةِ الأَقرانِ
وَاِقرِ الفُؤادَ بِمُذهِبِ الأَحزانِ

2. With a keeper who has preserved the joy of her cup,
The bosom friend and the seal of beauty.

٢. بِمَصونَةٍ قَد صانَ بَهجَةَ كَأسِها
كِنُّ الخُدورِ وَخاتَمُ الدَنّانِ

3. She glanced away for a moment, until you see
Nothing but the convergence of her two eyes,

٣. دَقَّت عَنِ اللَحَظاتِ حَتّى ما تَرى
إِلّا اِلتِماعَ شُعاعِها العَينانِ

4. As if the melted gold in her cup
Were an ocean churning in the eyes of whales,

٤. وَكَأَنَّ لِلذَهَبِ المَذوبِ بِكَأسِها
بَحراً يَجيشُ بِأَعيُنِ الحيتانِ

5. And spiced wine poured into a flask
Was the saliva of clouds over slumbering meadows,

٥. وَمُزَنَّرٍ قَد صُبَّ في قارورَةٍ
ريقَ السَحابِ عَلى النَجيعِ القاني

6. The sun of wine in his palm and his face
Is the sun of beauty, so between us two suns,

٦. شَمسُ المُدامِ بِكَفِّهِ وَبِوَجهِهِ
شَمسُ الجَمالِ فَبَينَنا شَمسانِ

7. And the sun rises from the glass walls of her abode
And sets when it sets in the bodies.

٧. وَالشَمسُ تَطلَعُ مِن جِدارِ زُجاجِها
وَتَغيبُ حينَ تَغيبُ في الأَبدانِ

8. In a gathering where joy has made its wings
A screen from the onlooker of the young,

٨. في مَجلِسٍ جَعَلَ السُرورُ جَناحَهُ
سِتراً لَهُ مِن ناظِرِ الحِدثانِ

9. No ears are troubled in its boundaries
Except the singing of merry tongues,

٩. لا يَطرُقُ الأَسماعَ في أَرجائِهِ
إِلّا تَرَنُّمُ أَلسُنِ العيدانِ

10. Or the sound of a clapping companion enchanted
And the crying of a despondent one and the laughter of singers,

١٠. أَو صَوتُ تَصفيقِ الجَليسِ تَطَرُّباً
وَبُكاءُ خابِيَةٍ وَضِحكُ قَناني

11. Until when the darkness wraps with its cold
And the longing of church bells subsides,

١١. حَتّى إِذا اِشتَمَلَ الظَلامُ بِبُردِهِ
وَهَدا حَنينُ نَواقِسِ الرُهبانِ

12. I found him a full moon waving with his hand,
A full moon, both brought together in the onlooker's eye.

١٢. أَلفَيتُهُ بَدراً يَلوحُ بِكَفِّهِ
بَدرٌ جَمَعتَهُما لِعَينِ الراني

13. I continued drinking their cup among them
Deliberately, and I have no disability of intoxication,

١٣. ما زِلتُ أَشرَبُ كَأسَهُم مِن بَينِهِم
عَمداً وَما بِيَ عَجزَةُ النَشوانِ

14. In order to gain from them then a greeting,
Either with a face or the edge of a tongue.

١٤. لِأَنالَ مِنهُم عِندَ ذاكَ تَحِيَّةً
إِمّا بِوَجهٍ أَو بِطَرفِ لِسانِ