
Refuse the brotherhood of those who cast you aside

ارفض إخوة من نسك

1. Refuse the brotherhood of those who cast you aside
And keep close the affection of those who supported you

١. ارفض إخوّةَ مَن نسَك
والزم مودّةَ من فتَك

2. Set forth with your spear held aloft
And circle about in the roads

٢. وانهص بأيرِكَ مُنعظاً
وبه فطوّف في السكك

3. So if you meet one distraught
Gentle, who has renounced

٣. فإذا لقيتَ مُهَفهفاً
أحوىً رخيماً قد نسَك

4. Then rush violently upon him
Like a stallion upon the sand dunes

٤. فاصهل عليه جامحاً
صهلَ العِتاقِ على الرمَك

5. And rip their trousers
Do not wait for the unfastening of their belts

٥. واشقق سراويلاتهم
لا تنتظر حلّ التِكَك