1. I say to the hunter when he prowled
And morning in the veil scarcely breathed
١. أَقولُ لِلقانِصِ حينَ غَلَّسا
وَالصُبحُ في النِقابِ ما تَنَفَّسا
2. He leads a dog for hunting an Atlas mountain lion
That never missed prey when it hid
٢. يَقودُ كَلباً لِلطَرادِ أَطلَسا
لَم يُلفِ عَن فَريسَةٍ تَحَوُّسا
3. He only hit the gazelles with arrows
And inherited from his ancestors who founded
٣. ما رَشَقَ الظِباءَ إِلّا قَرطَسا
وَرَّثَهُ النَجدَةَ مِمّا أَسَّسا
4. A father and uncle who always led
His eye mistakes whoever he watched
٤. أَبٌ وَخالٌ لَم يَزَل مُرَأَّسا
تَخالُهُ العَينُ لِمَن تَفَرَّسا
5. In the heat of the chase, a ferocious one
If he was intent one day on being hard
٥. في حَومَةِ الطَرِّ هُماماً أَشوَسا
إِن هَمَّ بِالشِدَّةِ يَوماً غَلَّسا
6. He would execute the guards out of him the selves
To the point that he made the hidden one cry
٦. فَأَعدَمَ الخَزّانَ مِنهُ الأَنفُسا
حَتّى لَقَد أَبكى القِنانَ الطُمُّسا
7. Blessed a silent hunter descendant
So how many have we seen destroyed, demolished
٧. بورِكتَ قَنّاصاً سَليلاً أَخنَسا
فَكَم رَأَينا ضاوِياً مُهَلَّسا
8. Complain when they meet you miserable
They have been, from your work, tousled
٨. يَشكو إِذا لاقاكَ جَدّاً تَعِسا
أَصبَحَ مِن كَسبِكَ قَد تَكَردَسا