
If the passing days have made our leader dear,

إذا كان ريب الدهر غال إمامنا

1. If the passing days have made our leader dear,
No arrow went astray when rightly aimed.

١. إِذا كانَ ريبُ الدَهرِ غالَ إِمامَنا
فَلَم يُخطِهِ لَمّا رَماهُ فَأَقصَدا

2. For he whose absence we bemoaned with fear,
Preparing for the hour of need, was named

٢. فَإِنَّ الَّذي كُنّا نُؤَمِّلُ بُعدُهُ
وَنَذخَرُهُ لِلنائِباتِ مُحَمَّدا

3. Imam and guide whose justice filled the lands,
Yet raided wealth and ruled with heavy hands.

٣. إِمامُ هُدىً عَمَّ الأَنامُ بِعَدلِهِ
وَجارَ عَلى الأَموالِ في الحُكمِ وَاعتَدى

4. So God who cares for all has let him stay,
While never has the moon's white banner strayed.

٤. فَأَبقاهُ رَبُّ الناسِ ماحَنَّ والِهٌ
وَما فَرفَرَ القُمرِيُّ يَوماً وَغَرَّدا