1. Many a gazelle is like the moon
Shining and illuminating the lands
١. رُبَّ غَزالٍ كَأَنَّهُ قَمَرٌ
لاحَ فَجَلّى الدُجونَ في البَلَدِ
2. I asked him for union to be generous with it
But he was stingy with it and did not give
٢. سَأَلتُهُ الوَصلَ كَي يَجودَ بِهِ
فَضَنَّ عَنّي بِهِ وَلَم يَجُدِ
3. So I said to the shy gazelle
Of sweet spirit and sweet body
٣. فَقُلتُ لِلظَبيِ في صُعوبَتِهِ
يا طَيِّبَ الروحِ طَيِّبَ الجَسَدِ
4. How many a brother was generous with union but
No child was conceived from our union
٤. كَم مِن أَخٍ جادَ بِالوِصالِ فَما
أُحبِلَ مِن وَصلِنا وَلَم يَلِدِ
5. He said alas, this would make me gentle
And the gazelle will never be gentle to the lion
٥. فَقالَ هَيهاتَ ذا تُرَقِّقُني
وَلَن يَرِقَّ الغَزالُ لِلأَسَدِ
6. So I said leave it and let's take it
From the daughter of a generous man, when you clap for her
٦. فَقُلتُ دَعنا وَقُم لِنَأخُذَها
مِمّا تُزِفُّ العُلوجُ بِالعُمُدِ
7. With Muzn's water she throws you white foam
Until when I was confident with it
٧. مِن بِنتِ كَرمٍ إِذا تُصَفِّقَها
بِماءِ مُزنٍ رَمَتكَ بِالزَبَدِ
8. From all whisperers and those envious
I made him enter the large saddlebags but I did not stop
٨. حَتّى إِذا ما أَتى صَدَرتُ بِهِ
عَن كُلِّ واشٍ وَعَن ذَوي الحَسَدِ
9. Until he leaned on the shoulder
So I got up until I removed his loincloth
٩. أَوجَرتُهُ القَرقَفَ العُقارَ فَما اِن
تَهَيتُ حَتّى اِتَّكى عَلى العَضُدِ
10. From him and straightened his thigh with my hand
Then we embraced and I kept kissing him
١٠. فَقُمتُ حَتّى حَلَلتُ مِئزَرَهُ
مِنهُ وَسَوَّيتُ فَخذَهُ بِيَدي
11. His mouth like falling hail
So he got up when his intoxication dispersed
١١. ثُمَّ اِعتَنَقنا وَظَلتُ أَلثُمُهُ
وَثَغرُهُ مِثلُ ساقِطِ البَرَدِ
12. A confidante of sorrow, sparkling coals
١٢. فَقامَ لَمّا اِنجَلَت عَمايَتُهُ
حَليفَ حُزنٍ مُوَلَّعَ الكَمَدِ