
My tears are enough if my situation is dire

حسبي جوى إن ضاق بي أمري

1. My tears are enough if my situation is dire
My memory of a merciful one who knows not

١. حَسبي جَوىً إِن ضاقَ بي أَمري
ذِكري لِرَحمٍ وَهيَ لا تَدري

2. And I fear revealing my affection
Lest her lover becomes jealous and suspicious

٢. وَأَخافُ أَن أُبدي مَوَدَّتَها
فَيَغارُ مَولاها وَيَستَشري

3. Thus I would have caused our separation
And undermined my efforts so diligently

٣. فَأَكونُ قَد سَبَّبتُ فُرقَتَنا
وَحَطَطتُ مُجتَهِداً عَلى ظَهري

4. And a group would blame me for loving her
They know not my burning passion and my agony

٤. وَيَلومُني في حُبِّها نَفَرٌ
خالونَ مِن شَجوي وَمِن ضُرّي

5. They know not the truth of love, so they succeeded
Had they experienced it, they'd see my excuse

٥. لَم يَعرِفوا حَقَّ الهَوى فَلَحوا
لَو جَرَّبوهُ تَبَيَّنوا عُذري

6. I do hate all those patient
With their affection, in union or separation

٦. إِنّي لَأَبغِضُ كُلَّ مُصطَبِرٍ
عَن إِلفِهِ في الوَصلِ وَالهَجرِ

7. Patience is seemly in its proper places
Not for the longing lover - what's patience to him?

٧. الصَبرُ يَحسُنُ في مَواضِعِهِ
ما لِلفَتى المُشتاقِ وَالصَبرِ