1. O company of lovers, what good news!
My hands have grasped whom I desire.
١. يا مَعشَرَ العُشّاقِ ما البُشرى
قَد ظَفِرَت كَفّي بِمَن أَهوى
2. After being parted from you, my master
Has come back to me; your turn will also come.
٢. واصَلَني مِن بَعدِكُم سَيِّدي
كَذاكَ أَيضاً لَكُمُ العُقبى
3. I clasped in my hands a precious pearl
In which none have a share or any claim.
٣. ضَمَمتُ كَفَّيَّ عَلى دُرَّةٍ
لا شِركَةٌ فيها وَلا دَعوى
4. When I became filled with joy through it,
I became estranged from all else in the world.
٤. لَمّا تَمَلَأتُ سُروراً بِها
أَغرَبتُ عَنّي سائِرَ الدُنيا