1. If I die of love for you, while my heart is still filled with passion,
And I have not found relief from my suffering,
١. إِن مِتُّ مِنكَ وَقَلبي فيهِ ما فيهِ
وَلَم أَنَل فَرَجاً مِمّا أُقاسيهِ
2. I called to my heart in sorrow and said:
O you who care for a beloved who does not care!
٢. نادَيتُ قَلبي بِحُزنٍ ثُمَّ قُلتُ لَهُ
يا مَن يُبالي حَبيباً لا يُباليهِ
3. This is the one whom you adored and showered
with the finest affection, though now his sickness has increased.
٣. هَذا الَّذي كُنتَ تَهواهُ وَتَمنَحَهُ
صَفوَ المَوَدَّةِ قَد غالَت دَواهيهِ
4. My heart replied to me in its burning:
This is the affliction you led me into!
٤. فَرَدَّ قَلبي عَلى طَرفي بِحُرقَتِهِ
هَذا البَلاءُ الَّذي دَلَّيتَني فيهِ
5. You have burdened me with love for one who does not treat me fairly,
And cannot break free from arrogance and confusion.
٥. أَرهَقتَني في هَوى مَن لَيسَ يُنصِفُني
وَلَيسَ يَنفَكُّ مِن زَهوٍ وَمِن تيهِ