1. O night of joy in which my insomnia ceased
Until the dawn broke through its darkness
١. يا لَيلَةً طابَ لي بِها الأَرَقُ
حَتّى بَدا مِن صَباحِها الفَلَقُ
2. We were served a drink from the daughter of Daskara
Whose elegance in her robes was unmatched
٢. نُسقى سُلافاً مِن بِنتِ دَسكَرَةٍ
ما شابَها في دِنانِها الرَنَقُ
3. The herder chose her during harvest
Red and black, as if she were essence itself
٣. اِختارَها في القِطافِ سائِمُها
حُمراً وَسوداً كَأَنَّها الحَدَقُ
4. Until when in the basin he prepared her
Saffron and cloves mingled with her
٤. حَتّى إِذا في الحِياضِ صَيَّرَها
خالَطَها الزَعفَرانُ وَالعَلَقُ
5. He stored her safely in the basin where she matured
Fearing no corruption, rot, or decay
٥. حَصَّنَها في الحِياضِ فَاِحتَجَبَت
ما راعَها رَهبَةٌ وَلا فَرَقُ
6. Fifty years passed until she aged
And the greenery of her youth turned to withered leaves
٦. خَمسينَ عاماً حَتّى إِذا هَرِمَت
وَاِخضَرَّ مِن نَبتِ نَبتِها الوَرَقُ
7. They brought her in jugs, gently swaying
In a gait so mesmerizing and sublime
٧. أَتَوا بِها في الحِبابِ يَخفُرُها
مَشيٌ هُوَينى ما إِن بِهِ نَزَقُ
8. They hurried to take her virginity
With a critic whose youth was so fickle
٨. فَبادَروا لِاِفتِضاضِ عُذرَتِها
بِناقِدٍ في شَباتِهِ زَلَقُ
9. From her poured a blood like fine spray
Which would cure even the stroke-ridden invalid
٩. فَسالَ مِنها مِثلَ الرُعافِ دَمٌ
يُشفى بِهِ مِن سَقامِهِ الصَعِقُ
10. The lords competed for her, tearing her apart
As if they were torn pieces of the same rag
١٠. نازَعَها سادَةٌ غَطارِفَةٌ
كَأَنَّهُم مِن شَقيقَةٍ شُقِقوا
11. They drank coffee aged and refined
With a murmuring in the brain that excites
١١. يُسقَونَ مِن قَهوَةٍ مُعَتَّقَةٍ
لَها دَبيبٌ في المُخِّ يَستَبِقُ
12. They gave her master his rightful due
As white as swords that glitter and glow
١٢. أَعطَوا بِها رَبَّها حُكومَتَهُ
بيضاً كَمِثلِ السُيوفِ تَبتَرِقُ
13. He brought her like a creature in a goblet
Blooming within it, luminous and bright
١٣. جاءَ بِها كَالخَلوقِ في قَدَحٍ
تَزهُرُ في جَوفِهِ فَتَأتَلِقُ
14. As if our flask, when beaten,
Were an ancient sheikh, venerable and devout
١٤. كَأَنَّ إِبريقَنا إِذا صُفِقَت
في الكَأسِ شَيخٌ مُزَمزِمٌ شَرِقُ
15. As if she and the whisk were struck
By a flaming meteor burning bright
١٥. كَأَنَّها وَالمِزاجُ يَقرَعُها
شِهابُ نارٍ في الجَوِّ يَحتَرِقُ
16. As if circling her neck were the skin
Of a serpent, hissing and writhing in coils
١٦. كَأَنَّما حَفَّ مِن قَراقِرِها
بِطَوقِها جِلدُ حَيَّةٍ يَقَقُ
17. In a gathering with no vulgarity
Only pleasant words and eloquent speech
١٧. في مَجلِسٍ لَيسَ فيهِ فاحِشَةٌ
إِلّا حَديثٌ وَمَنطِقٌ أَنِقُ