
Leave off standing at a ruin and remnants,

دع الوقوف على رسم وأطلال

1. Leave off standing at a ruin and remnants,
And ashes like the scattered dust of Yemen,

١. دَعِ الوُقوفَ عَلى رَسمٍ وَأَطلالِ
وَدِمنَةٍ كَسَحيقِ اليَمنَةِ البالي

2. And come with us, let us spend the night chatting
In the red glow of fire or in the soft light of lamps,

٢. وَعُج بِنا نَصطَبِح صَفراءَ واقِدَةً
في حُمرَةِ النارِ أَو في رِقَّةِ الآلِ

3. Time has not erased its exquisite form,
Nor did it suffer harm in its empty days,

٣. لَم يُذهِبِ الدَهرُ عَنها حَدَّ سَورَتَها
وَلَم يَنَلها الأَذى في دَهرِها الخالي

4. The youth stood by it at night mixing it
Like the moon, his brilliant teeth lighting up the darkness,

٤. قامَ الغُلامُ بِها في اللَيلِ يَمزُجُها
كَالبَدرِ ضَوءُ سَناهُ لِلدُجى حالِ

5. It could snatch eyes when mixed
With water and clarified into its transparent color,

٥. تَكادُ تَخطِفُ أَبصاراً إِذا مُزِجَت
بِالماءِ وَاجتُلِيَت في لَونِها الجالي

6. It sparkles in the faces of boon companions laughing
Like a pearl in the palm of an entertainer,

٦. تَفتَرُّ في أَوجُهِ النُدمانِ ضاحِكَةً
كَمِثلِ دُرٍّ وَهيَ مِن كَفِّ لَأآلِ

7. You see the noble turn away the ignoble from it
He preserves it and does not preserve his money,

٧. تَرى الكَريمَ عَنِ الأَنذالِ يَصرِفُها
يُبقي عَلَيها وَلا يُبقي عَلى مالِ

8. In the house of an infidel woman selling wine,
A saucy clever one proud of her clientele.

٨. في بَيتِ كافِرَةٍ بِالخَمرِ تاجِرَةٍ
شَمطاءَ شاطِرَةٍ تَعتَزُّ بِالوالي