1. Whoever insults me from Thaqif
I will not insult him
١. مَن سَبَّني مِن ثَقيفٍ
فَإِنَّني لَن أَسُبَّه
2. I offered my honor to Thaqif
And he slapped my cheek and hit it
٢. أَبَحتُ عِرضي ثَقيفاً
وَلَطمَ خَدّي وَضَربَه
3. And how can this be denied
When among them I have those I love
٣. وَكَيفَ يُنكَرُ هَذا
وَفيهُمُ لي أَحِبَّه
4. I will be generous with my patience
To the servant of the Beloved and his dog
٤. لَأوسِعَنَّ بِحِلمي
عَبدَ الحَبيبِ وَكَلبَه
5. And I will not be like one who did not
Expand his heart for his Master
٥. وَلا أَكونُ كَمَن لَم
يوسِع لِمَولاهُ قَلبَه
6. So he stood cursing him
And made Allah suffice for him
٦. فَقامَ يَدعو عَلَيهِ
وَيَجعَلُ اللَهَ حَسبَه