1. Leave the attire that defies
The wind and rain
١. دَعِ الرَسمَ الَّذي دَثَرا
يُقاسي الريحَ وَالمَطَرا
2. And be a man who wastes his knowledge
In pleasures and danger
٢. وَكُن رَجُلاً أَضاعَ العِل
مَ في اللَذّاتِ وَالخَطَرا
3. Have you not seen what Kisra built
And Sapur for one who crossed the desert
٣. أَلَم تَرَ ما بَنى كِسرى
وَسابورٌ لِمَن غَبَرا
4. Its dwellings between the Tigris and Euphrates
Were shaded by trees
٤. مَنازِهُ بَينَ دَجلَةَ وَال
فُراتِ تَفَيَّأَت شَجَرا
5. In a land that kept compassion away
From it, the acacia and the tent
٥. بِأَرضٍ باعَدَ الرَحمَ
نُ عَنها الطَلحَ وَالعُشَرا
6. He did not make its hunting grounds
Squares or pens
٦. وَلَم يَجعَل مَصايِدَها
يَرابيعاً وَلا وَحَرا
7. But they were gazelles with lovely eyes
Grazing with the cattle
٧. وَلَكِن حورُ غِزلانٍ
تُراعي بِالمَلا بَقَرا
8. And if we wished we would stir up the birds
In flocks from its outskirts
٨. وَإِن شِئنا حَثَثنا الطَي
رَ مِن حافاتِها زُمَرا
9. And if we said "Kill!" away from you
Their drinking of wine hastens
٩. وَإِن قُلنا اِقتُلوا عَنكُم
يُباكِر شَربُها الخَمَرا
10. There comes to you the pure milk
Of she-camels, plucked off and squeezed
١٠. أَتاكَ حَليبُ صافِيَةٍ
شَجا قَطَفاً وَمُعتَصَرا
11. That is the life, not an abode
With its bleakness or pen
١١. فَذاكَ العَيشُ لا سيداً
بِقَفرَتِها وَلا وَبَرا
12. With the tent ropes of a free woman,
Where the sparrow twitters
١٢. بِعازِبِ حَرَّةٍ يُلفى
بِها العُصفورُ مُنجَحِرا
13. So if you consider matters
Among the nomads
١٣. إِذا ما كُنتَ بِالأَشيا
ءِ في الأَعرابِ مُعتَبَرا
14. You, whichever man arrives
And does not find a bosom
١٤. فَإِنَّكَ أَيَّما رَجُلٍ
وَرَدتَ فَلَم تَجِد صَدَرا
15. And from wonder at their love
Of the rough, coarse desert
١٥. وَمِن عَجَبٍ لِعِشقِهِمُ ال
جُفاةَ الجُلفَ وَالصَحَرا
16. It was said Murqish perished
And he did not fail having determined
١٦. فَقيلَ مِرَقِّشٌ أَودى
وَلَم يَعجَز وَقَد قَدَرا
17. And the son of 'Ujlan perished
And was not aware of news
١٧. وَقَد أَودى اِبنُ عَجلانٍ
وَلَم يَفطَن لَهُ خَبَرا
18. So a liar related about him
And said what he did not feel
١٨. فَحَدَّثَ كاذِباً عَنهُ
وَقالَ بِغَيرِ ما شَعَرا
19. Had the son of 'Ujlan been
Of affliction as was said
١٩. وَلَن كانَ اِبنُ عَجلانٍ
مِنَ البَلوى كَما ذُكِرا
20. He would have broken a pact in love
And reproached himself for an excuse
٢٠. لَكانَ أَذَمَّ عَهداً في ال
هَوى وَأَخَبَّهُ عُذُرا
21. You count the old man and judge
And jurists and the night conversation as nothing
٢١. تَعُدُّ الشَيخَ وَالقَيصو
مَ وَالفُقَهاءَ وَالسُمُرا
22. The wild ass, the ostrich, and the hyena
Even if they blossomed
٢٢. جَنِيَّ الآسِ وَالنِسري
نِ وَالسوسانِ إِن زَهُرا
23. And singing diverts her from missing
That she ties on the camel saddle
٢٣. وَيُغنيها عَنِ المُرجا
نِ أَن تَتَقَلَّدَ البَعرا
24. And sets out in her litter
Hunting the wolf and tiger
٢٤. وَتَغدو في بَراجِدِها
تَصيدُ الذِئبَ وَالنَمِرا
25. By God I swear neither jesting
Nor raillery
٢٥. أَما وَاللَهِ لا أَشَرا
حَلَفتُ بِهِ وَلا بَطَرا
26. If Murqish were living
His heart clinging to a memory
٢٦. لَوَ اِنَّ مُرَقِّشاً حَيٌّ
تَعَلَّقَ قَلبُهُ ذَكَرا
27. As if his clothes were adorned
With moons on his buttons
٢٧. كَأَنَّ ثِيابَهُ أَطلَع
نَ مِن أَزرارِهِ قَمَرا
28. And he passed intending the office
Of taxes smeared with perfume
٢٨. وَمَرَّ يُريدُ ديوانَ ال
خَراجِ مُضَمَّخاً عِطرا
29. With a Sibari face, if its water flowed
It would drip pearls
٢٩. بِوَجهٍ سابِرِيٍّ لَو
تَصَوَّبَ مائُهُ قَطَرا
30. Whose cheeks traced for him
Fragrances of ambergris
٣٠. وَقَد خَطَّت حَواضِنُهُ
لَهُ مِن عَنبَرٍ طُرَرا
31. With an eye whose coquetry mixed
In its lids, dark-eyed beauties
٣١. بِعَينٍ خالَطَ التَفتي
رُ في أَجفانِها الحَوَرا
32. His face increases your beauty
When you look at it more
٣٢. يَزيدُكَ وَجهُهُ حُسناً
إِذا ما زِدتَهُ نَظَرا
33. He would be sure that the love of Murray
Embraces its plain and hill
٣٣. لَأَيقَنَ أَنَّ حُبَّ المُر
دِ يُلفى سَهلُهُ وَعَرا
34. Especially when some of them
If you greet them become enraged
٣٤. وَلا سِيَما وَبَعضُهُمُ
إِذا حَيَّيتَهُ اِنتَهَرا