
I saw the arrows of Job's bow,

رأيت لقوس أيوب سهاما

1. I saw the arrows of Job's bow,
Well-versed in conversation, unerring,

١. رَأَيتُ لِقَوسِ أَيّوبٍ سِهاماً
مُثَقَّفَةَ السَوالِفِ ما تَطيشُ

2. Arrows no resin can melt,
With no feathers fixed or quills attached.

٢. سِهامٌ لا يَذوبُ لَها غِراءٌ
وَلَم يُشدَد لَها عَقِبٌ وَريشُ

3. He reaches into his quiver and hunts,
Without needing anyone to flush his prey,

٣. يُباكِرُ جَيبَهُ فَيَصيدُ مِنهُ
وَلا يَبغي عَلَيهِ مَن يَحوشُ

4. Nor can crags grant the ibex respite
When above it hangs a threadbare old cloak.

٤. وَلا يُنجي الصَوايَةَ أَن يَراها
تَضاءَلَ فَوقَها دَرزٌ جُحَيشُ

5. He visits the meadows to gently graze them,
Yet the beasts are untroubled by his passing.

٥. يَزِرُّ رِعالَها بِالسِنِّ زَرّاً
وَلا تَشقى بِغَدوَتِهِ الوُحوشُ