
O you who direct my words to their ugliest

يا من يوجه ألفاظي لأقبحها

1. O you who direct my words to their ugliest
Because he who is beloved is a sorcerer of eyes

١. يا مَن يُوَجِّهُ أَلفاظي لِأَقبَحِها
لِأَنَّهُ ساحِرُ العَينَينِ مَعشوقُ

2. If it were true that one who said "fire" burnt their mouth
No being would utter the name of fire

٢. لَو كانَ مَن قالَ ناراً أَحرَقَت فَمَهُ
لَما تَفَوَّهَ بِاِسمِ النارِ مَخلوقُ