
The nape of his neck is soft, embracing him is blissful

لبق القد لذيذ المعتنق

1. The nape of his neck is soft, embracing him is blissful
He resembles the full moon in its brightness

١. لَبِقُ القَدِّ لَذيذُ المُعتَنَق
يُشبِهُ البَدرَ إِذا البَدرُ اِتَّسَق

2. Heavy-thighed when he turns his walk tells
As though fettered in chains he steps on slippery ground

٢. مُثقَلُ الرِدفِ إِذا وَلّى حَكى
موثَقاً في القَيدِ يَمشي في زَلَق

3. And when he comes it's as if eyes
Were pierced by his compelling gaze

٣. وَإِذا أَقبَلَ كادَت أَعيُنٌ
نَحوَهُ تَجرَحُ فيهِ بِالحَدَق

4. To me he is ever fresh, ever new
The rest of creation to me is trite dregs

٤. هُوَ في عَيني جَديدٌ دائِماً
وَسِواهُ الدَهرُ في عَيني خَلَق