
In the diwan are gazelles

وفي الديوان غزلان

1. In the diwan are gazelles
Whose sick eyes have shed tears.

١. وَفي الديوانِ غُزلانٌ
رَمَت أَعيُنها مَرضى

2. Maidens of the palace chambers,
When did you last close your eyes in slumber?

٢. رَبيباتُ قُصورِ الخُل
دِ ما إِن تَعرِفُ الغُمضا

3. You have never known, I swear,
A life of ease or comfort.

٣. وَلا اِعتَدنَ لعَمرُ اللَ
هِ في الدَوِّيَّةِ الرَبضا

4. You have not enjoyed since you were
The pleasures of life and luxury.

٤. وَلا جانَبنَ مُذ كُنَّ
نَعيمَ العَيشِ وَالخَفضا

5. You refer the course of events
To a tyrant, unjust and cruel,

٥. وَيَردُدنَ عُرى الأَمرِ
إِلى أَحوَرَ مُستَقضى

6. Whose word no man accepts.
When death has singled out one of them

٦. إِمامٍ ظالِمٍ فَظٍّ
فَما قالَ بِهِ يُرضى

7. It quickens the dying pulses;
And if to another it portioned out

٧. إِذا ما أَوتَرَ الموتِ
رُ مِنهُم عَجَّلَ النَبضا

8. Sustenance, it rendered it null.
Had it not been that the weak and helpless

٨. وَإِن أَقرَضَ ذا هَذا
نَوالاً عَجَّلَ النَقضا

9. Prey on each other for subsistence,
Then the earth would have been filled

٩. وَلَولا كانَتِ الحيتا
نُ يَأكُلُ بَعضُها بَعضا

10. With their weeping, O Muslim folk!

١٠. إِذَن قَد مَلَأَت بِالكُث
رِ يا مُسلِمَةُ الأَرضا