
My companion, burdened and leaning, I directed my camel towards him,

وخمار حططت إليه رحلي

1. My companion, burdened and leaning, I directed my camel towards him,
He stood swaying, heavily leaning to one side.

١. وَخَمّارٍ حَطَطتُ إِلَيهِ رَحلي
فَقامَ مُرَنَّحاً ثَمِلاً يَميلُ

2. I said to him: "Rest yourself, for gentleness brings blessings,
While the hasty attain not their desire."

٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ إتَّئِدهُِ فَالرِفقُ يُمنٌ
وَلَم يَظفَر بِحاجَتِهِ العَجولُ

3. He answered me with the reply of a cultured youth:
"My friend, I am not ignorant of what you say."

٣. فَرَدَّ عَلَيَّ رَدَّ فَتىً أَديبٍ
خَليلي لَستُ أَجهَلُ ما تَقولُ

4. And he went to her, whom the daughters of time and the long eras
Had busied themselves with.

٤. وَقامَ إِلى الَّتي عَكَفَت عَلَيها
بَناتُ الدَهرِ وَالزَمَنِ الطَويلُ

5. He clasped her waist, and there appeared a tongue,
As if its saliva were dripping honey.

٥. فَوَدَّجَ خَصرَها فَبَدا لِسانٌ
كَأَنَّ لُعابَهُ عَلَقٌ يَسيلُ

6. With a bejeweled hand, above which was a branch,
And below her waist was a heavy flank.

٦. بِكَفِّ مُزَنَّرٍ أَعلاهُ غُصنٌ
وَأَسفَلُ خَصرِهِ رِدفٌ ثَقيلُ

7. I say, as the morning star appeared to the dawn:
"My friend, your deed towards me is beautiful."

٧. أَقولُ وَقَد بَدا لِلصُبحِ نَجمٌ
خَليلِيَ إِنَّ فِعلَكَ بي جَميلُ

8. "Set me at ease, for the Pleiades have risen high
And the wings of my night have flown far from you."

٨. أَرِحني قَد تَرَفَّعَتِ الثُرَيّا
وَغالَت جُنحَ لَيلي عَنكَ غولُ

9. He said: "Now you command me this,
When my joints have been seized by paralysis."

٩. فَقالَ الآنَ تَأمُرُني بِهَذا
وَقَد عَلِقَت مَفاصِلِيَ الشَمولُ