1. In a tavern by the wine-seller's assembly,
In Cutrubbul between gardens flanked by meadows,
١. وَمَجلِسِ خَمّارٍ إِلى جَنبِ حانَةٍ
بِقُطرَبَّلٍ بَينَ الجِنانِ الحَدائِقِ
2. Facing fields with tulips blooming at their edges,
We stood among youths who made proud necks bow to them,
٢. تَجاهَ مَيادينٍ عَلى جَنَباتِها
رِياضٌ غَدَت مَحفوفَةً بِالشَقائِقِ
3. With a sun-like beauty whose light covers you
When it appears from the horizons of the east,
٣. فَقُمنا بِها في فِتيَةٍ خَضَعَت لَهُم
رِقابُ صَناديدِ الكُماةِ البَطارِقِ
4. Crowned with coral and pearls around her neck,
Humming, flushed, enchanting all who see her,
٤. بِمَشمولَةٍ كَالشَمسِ يَغشاكَ نورُها
إِذا ما تَبَدَّت مِن نَواحي المَشارِقِ
5. Trailing robes that dazzle every gazer,
A fawn with a crown of basil moves around her,
٥. لَها تاجُ مَرجانٍ وَإِكليلُ لُؤلُؤٍ
وَتَرنيمُ نَشوانٍ وَصُفرَةُ عاشِقِ
6. King of the meadows with no equal in his gait
When he walks the straight path.
٦. وَتَسحَبُ أَذيالاً لَها بِكُؤوسِها
تَحارُ لَها الأَبصارُ مِن كُلِّ رامِقِ
7. On his cheek a scorpion's sting over a rose
As if two N's from a lover's hand.
٧. يَدورُ بِها ظَبيٌ غَريرٌ مُتَوَّجٌ
بِتاجٍ مِنَ الرَيحانِ مَلكُ القُراطِقِ
8. When she walked by he sang intoxicated, saying:
Come give us some wine in goblets!
٨. فَلَيسَ كَمِثلِ الغُصنِ في ثِقلِ رِدفِهِ
إِذا ما مَشى في مُستَقيمِ المَناطِقِ
٩. لَهُ عَقرَبا صُدغٍ عَلى وَردِ خَدِّهِ
كَأَنَّهُما نونانِ مِن كَفِّ ماشِقِ
١٠. فَلَمّا جَرَت فيهِ تَغَنّى وَقالَ لي
بِسُكرٍ أَلا هاتِ اسقِنا بِالدَوارِقِ