1. Tell the slanderer when you see him,
If only you were dead, you fool, I would not satirize you,
١. قُل لِلرُقاشِيِّ إِذا جِئتَهُ
لَو مُتَّ يا أَحمَقُ لَم أَهجُكا
2. Because I honor my dignity and never
Link it to your dignity one day.
٢. لِأَنَّني أُكرِمُ عِرضي وَلا
أَقرُنُهُ يَوماً إِلى عِرضِكا
3. If you satirize me, you satirize a glorious man
Who does not glance towards the likes of you.
٣. إِن تَهجُني تَهجُ فَتىً ماجِداً
لا يَرفَعُ الطَرفَ إِلى مِثلِكا
4. My dignity is beyond you, so satirize it wisely,
Dignities are not debased by your satire.
٤. دونَكَ عِرضي فَاِهجُهُ راشِداً
لا تَدنُسُ الأَعراضُ مِن هَجوِكا
5. By God, if I were Jarir, I would not
Be more satirical towards you than your origins.
٥. وَاللَهِ لَو كُنتُ جَريراً لَما
كُنتُ بِأَهجى لَكُ مِن أَصلِكا