
In love there is rapture and torment,

في الحب روعات وتعذيب

1. In love there is rapture and torment,
And in it, O people, wonders abound.

١. في الحُبِّ رَوعاتٌ وَتَعذيبُ
وَفيهِ يا قَومُ الأَعاجيبُ

2. He who has not tasted love, I say
I have of love experiences profound.

٢. مَن لَم يَذُق حُبّاً فَإِنّي امرُؤ
عِندي مِنَ الحُبِّ تَجاريبُ

3. The lover's mark is on his face,
"This is love's captive" it spells out.

٣. عَلامَةُ العاشِقِ في وَجهِهِ
هَذا أَسيرُ الحُبِّ مَكتوبُ

4. And desire has snares upon the staircase
Of lovers spread about.

٤. وَلِلهَوى فِيَّ صَيودٌ عَلى
مَدرَجَةِ العُشّاقِ مَنصوبُ

5. Until when a lover passes by him
And now to man is desire allowed,

٥. حَتّى إِذا مَرَّ مُحِبٌّ بِهِ
وَالحَينُ لِلإِنسانِ مَجلوبُ

6. He says to him, with a yearning eye:
It toys with him, and patience is subdued.

٦. قالَ لَهُ وَالعَينُ طَمّاحَةٌ
يَلهو بِهِ وَالصَبرُ مَغلوبُ

7. He has no flaw but his kindness,
By my father, his flaw is kindness itself!

٧. لَيسَ لَهُ عَيبٌ سِوى طيبِهِ
وَبِأَبي مَن عَيبُهُ الطيبُ

8. He berates my honor, but I guard his,
Thus is the beloved berated himself.

٨. يَسُبُّ عِرضي وَأَقي عِرضَهُ
كَذالِكَ المَحبوبُ مَسبوبُ