1. When a boon companion boasts vaingloriously,
Strike his liver with wine, undiluted.
١. وَإِذا رامَ نَديمٌ عَربَدَه
فَاِقرَعَن بِالصِرفِ مِنهُ كَبِدَه
2. Pour the wine down his throat without respite,
So that wine will disable his limbs.
٢. كَرِّرِ الخَمرَ عَلَيهِ بَحتَةً
كَي تُقيمَ الخَمرُ مِنهُ أَوَدَه
3. Then, when faintness from drink overcomes him,
And he collapses, his shoulders bowed over,
٣. ثُمَّ وَسِّدهُ إِذا ما غَلَبَت
سَورَةُ الراحِ عَلَيهِ عَضُدَه
4. Two evils disgrace a young man –
Brawling and vainglory wherever they occur;
٤. خَلَّتا سوءٍ تَشينانِ الفَتى
حَيثُ ما كانَ الخَنا وَالعَربَدَه
5. Evil spirits in human form
Who roused him to rashness in his drunkenness.
٥. وَشَياطينٌ مِنَ الإِنسِ هُمُ
أَحدَثوا القَتلَ غُواةً مَرَدَه
6. I served wine until they were drunk
One night when the biting winds howled.
٦. قَد سَقَيتُ الخَمرَ حَتّى ثَمِلوا
لَيلَةً ذاتَ رِياحٍ صَرِدَه