
She extended her phantom to reconcile with him

دست له طيفها كيما تصالحه

1. She extended her phantom to reconcile with him
In sleep, while awake we refuse reconciliation

١. دَسَّت لَهُ طَيفَها كَيما تُصالِحُهُ
في النَومِ حينَ تَأَبّى الصُلحَ يَقظانا

2. Yet with my phantom her phantom found no joy
Neither did it grieve to empathize or sympathize

٢. فَلَم يَجِد عِندَ طَيفي طَيفُها فَرَحاً
وَلا رَثى لِتَشَكّيهِ وَلا لانا

3. I thought my imagination would not represent
What makes me, because of it, so angry

٣. حَسِبتُ أَنَّ خَيالي لا يَكونُ لِما
أَكونُ مِن أَجلِهِ غَضبانَ غَضبانا

4. Oh Gardens, do not ask me for quick reconciliation
For what had happened between us was not easy

٤. جِنانُ لا تَسأَليني الصُلحَ مُسرِعَةً
فَلَم يَكُن هَيِّناً مِنكِ الَّذي كانا